About us (2) – SEARA INTERNATIONAL – Try Seara. Joy in every bite.
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Introducing Seara

A leading Brazilian meat producer with a history of over 65 years

65 Years

Feeding the world & people


Slaughtered birds per day


Number of exporting countries worldwide

Seara is one of the major brands of JBS Group, the global No. 1 protein producer

For over 60 years, Seara has been feeding the world and people with the best there is. We take excellence and innovation, every day, to more than 130 countries through our products and services, in several channels such as retail, food servicing, processing factories and distribution.

Being one of the major brands of JBS Group, the world’s largest animal protein producer (beef, lamb, poultry) and also a major player of plant-based protein, Seara has an extensive portfolio of fresh poultry products and prepared foods. From the origin to the consumer’s table, Seara is committed to quality and food safety.

Read the Corporate Profile: About us (2)

Fresh chicken made daily in Brazil

Fresh chicken made daily in Brazil

30 Poultry
Processing Facilities

~5.1 million birds per day


Team members

24 Prepared Foods Facilities

~142.4 thousand tons per month

18 Distribution Centers

11 Overseas Sales Offices


The first large slaughter house in the city of Seara in Santa Catarina.


Uirapuru, the first farm of study and research of porks, to further improve the quality of meat.


240 tons of chicken for Kuwait, our first international transaction.


In Xanxere, our first incubation center is launched.


Ceval buys Seara, increasing the brand and expanding the investment capacity.


We are the first Brazilian meat company to export chicken cuts to Europe. First export of raw chicken to Japan.


We acquired the stock control of the slaughter house Rio da Luz S. A, in Jaraguá do Sul.


Ceval incorporates Seara Industrial, and we become a Ceval brand together with the plants of Jacarézinho and Nuporanga.


Acquisition of Dourados-MS plant.


Acquisition of Sidrolândia-MS, and of Forquilhinha-SC plants.


We are the first Brazilian company to receive ISO quality certification: 9002, for the whole chicken chain.


Ceval was bought by the Bunge group.


Creation of Seara Alimentos S.A. We became an independent company controlled by Mutual Inv. Ltda.


Offices in Buenos Aires, Amsterdam, Singapore, Tokyo, and Dubai. We control the port facility in Braskarne.


We are the largest pork exporter in Brazil.


We established the thermoprocessed chicken factory in Itapiranga – SC.


Our company is present in 27 new countries.


Seara food products is controlled by a large international group in the food sector.


First export of heat-treated pork products to Japan.


First export of heat processed chicken products to Japan.


Seara food products is now controlled by the JBS group, the world leader in meat processing. Seara exported its first raw pork container to Japan.


Our new visual identity was launched in a more modern and suitable way in the current market.


First export of plant-based meat to Japan.

JBS Culture

Our Mission

To be the best in all that we do, completely focused on our business, ensuring the best products and services to our customers, a relationship of trust with our suppliers, profitability for our shareholders and the opportunity of a better future for all our team members.

Our Values

Our Values guide our efforts toward achieving Our Mission of being the best in all that we do.


Be relentless. Deliver superior results. Adopt a sense of urgency. Make things happen.


Be practical. Focus on what’s important. Adopt a hands-on approach. Avoid bureaucracy.


Be receptive and open. Always be prepared and motivated to take on new challenges.


Listen. Be helpful and thoughtful. Act with respect. Prioritize the team over yourself. Value the opinion of others.


Be direct, truthful and transparent. Respectfully express opinion. Know how to say no but be positive and offer solutions.


Be punctual. Fulfill commitments. Deliver results. Do not make excuses.


Be committed to results. Focus on details. Take responsibility.


JBS has a robust compliance program and is committed to conducting its business ethically, with integrity, in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and rules. JBS expects its Business Associates to demonstrate the same commitment by following the highest standards of business conduct, integrity and complying with all applicable laws, regulations and rules. All Business Associates agree to abide by the Business Associate Code of Conduct (the “BACC”). Get to know our Code of Conduct and Ethics and Business Associate Code of Conduct.

We practice transparent management

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Corporate Profile


Headquarters Seara Alimentos LTDA

Year of Foundation 1956

Headquarters’ Address Av. Marginal Direita do Tiete, 500, Vila Jaguara – Sao Paulo – SP – Brazil

President Joao Campos

Business Manufacturing and selling of chicken, pork, processed food, and plant-basedd meat

Number of Employees 92,000

Commercial Office in Japan Seara Japan LLC

Year of Foundation 2015

Address Akasaka Nakanishi Building 6F, 4-1-33 Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo, Japan 107-0052

Director Tiago Marson Fonseca

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